Stage 4
Development Application (DA) or
Complying Development Certificate (CDC) Application
Stage 4 begins with processing the BASIX Certificate, which is a Building Sustainability assessment on the dwelling. This includes preparing a draft & then finalising the BASIX Certificate for council submission.
We then prepare a basic Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) suitable for the council or certifier, which is a document that states that we have designed according to the planning guidelines.
We take care of the application process with the relevant water authorities (e.g Hunter Water/Mid Coast Water). This is to access and approve that the design works with their utilities. This is called a Water Board Building Plan Assessment, once approved they will stamp the plans which we will then use as part of your DA or CDC application.
If your site is within a Mines Subsidence area, we also take care of the application and plan stamping process for you. ​
Draft & submit an application including required checklists to council or private certifier.
If your site is in a Bushfire Prone Land it will require a Bushfire Assessment. Other additional consultants that may be required can include (ie. Acid Sulfate Plans, Landscape Designs, Stormwater Design, and/or other consultants as deemed necessary by council). This will be dependant on your site requirements.
Additional Town Planning Services
This can be completed as a separate service to our design services
Feasibility studies​
Town planning advice
Development applications / Development submission assistance
Assistance with reviewing concept design plans in relation to Council DCP & LEP guidelines