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Stage 5 

Engineering/ Construction Certificate (CC) Application

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  • After the completion of our first 4 stages, the next step is to apply for a Construction Certificate (CC) Application. Before starting any building work, you need to obtain this Engineering/CC certificate.


  • A CC Application may be lodged at the same time as a Development Application or at a later date. The CC can be lodged and issued concurrently with the Development Application (DA, a concept submitted to local council when undertaking new building work or renovations to an existing property), or once consent for the DA has been granted and any relevant conditions have been met.


  • A CC will include detailed building plans, engineering details and specifications about the site. This certifies that these construction plans and development specifications are consistent with the development consent and also comply with the Building Code of Australia.


  • We will be by your side every step of the way - we recommend using an accredited Private certifier, however, you can also apply through your local Council.


  • Once your CC is approved, the final stage is to engage a builder to start work!

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